Lob Help Center

International address verification

Lob's Address Verification API provides a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to optimize their international customer experiences and make more informed decisions about their international address data.

Configurable Transliteration 

Configurable Transliteration provides Address Verification customers greater flexibility and customization when operating around the world. Lob ensures that addresses are correct and deliverable while providing optionality for the address response to be in the native language. This means a customer is able to provide cart checkout messaging that adapts based on where the end customer is located thus creating a more personalized experience. It also means that when working with foreign languages with non-Latin characters the data is seamlessly transliterated and mapped for normalized data storage. 

To customize your language response, review the complete API documentation under x-lang-output.

International Deliverability Insights 

Lob's International Deliverability provides greater visibility into an address’s delivery response so customers can make more informed decisions about how they manage international address data. Customers are able to understand when a portion of the address has been corrected and if it has resolved the deliverability issues. To leverage this data, review the complete API documentation under Status

Global AV data coverage 

Country Coverage equips Lob customers with the details needed to make an informed decision about a deliverable address and the potential for false positives. The International Address Verification API provides validation to varying degrees of granularity depending on the country the address is in. Country Coverage indicates the level to which an address has been verified. To leverage this information, review the API documentation under Coverage

View our most updated Global Address Coverage here.

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